Sunday, December 13, 2015

Try Again....

In my head I come up with great ideas to post on a regular basis.  I could tell a funny story about my youngest and his most recent adventures of almost being hit by a car in the church parking lot, or how I grew in leaps and bounds when my twins were babies and offer encouraging support to those in the same shoes.  But truth be told, I sit down to write something that would help someone else, and all of a sudden, I have writers block, and my mind is EMPTY.

Then tonight, I was sitting down, taking a break and picked up one of my favorite books, "Bedtime and Naptime.." by Hilary Weeks.  I read the first few pages, and started questioning why I even wanted to write a blog (long-time goal, slow in achieving).  I find myself funny, but it's not always reciprocated by others, I don't feel like I'm a young mother (because in my book that either means you're under 30 or still have a baby, but if you have a 10+ year old, and you fit those two criteria, you're not a young mother, because let's face it, you have experience!), and sometimes I mean most of the time wonder if I even know what I'm doing.  How can I share anything of worth to anyone else?

It's been one of those days....can you tell?

I did realize that it's like teaching a lesson in Sunday School or Relief Society.  You spend hours pouring over material, and then you get up to teach a 25 minute lesson, and who really gets the most out of your lesson?  In most cases, it will be you.  So here's to my year of learning how to be a better mom this year!  I keep reminding myself that I was sent the specific children I was sent for a reason.  Heavenly Father knew that I needed them, and they needed me.  I love those little people will all of my being, but some days, I just feel worn out, and sucked dry.  So I hope that I can be if nothing else, a little better mom, kinder, more patient, a better listener, and a little more easy going.

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