I know I'm not the only one who has become so involved with a project I forget everything else. Sometimes that project is being a mom. Especially when you have little ones.
I recently found myself in a bit of a rut. I was frustrated because I didn't have any time for me. I felt that I was running every which way for my kids, my husband, my calling, the PTO, my husband's calling, and other miscellaneous jobs that needed doing. I kept thinking I would find time for myself later, but that time just didn't appear.
Pretty soon, I found that I was going crazy! Even though I had the mentality that if I did more for others, I would feel better. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work that way. I had a very wise person give me some great advice. She said, "When your bucket is empty, you can't give anyone any drops out of it."
Previously, I was thinking that if I did anything for myself I was being selfish, however once I looked at it like a bucket, I realized that I had to do things for myself in order to be capable of doing things for others.
I spent a whole week doing things for myself. Don't get me wrong, I still took care of my family and other necessary responsibilities, but for the first time, probably since I became a mother, I put some of my needs first, and guess what!? My kids survived. I don't recommend doing this on a regular basis, but in emergency it's definitely called for.
I realized that taking time for yourself is like the oxygen mask in an airplane. In case of an emergency, you are first to put your own mask on, and then help those next to you. Sometimes, we need to take time for ourselves so that we are able to help others.
I think about the people that rely on me most, my three beautiful children, and my husband. What would they do if one day I became completely incapacitated and unable to take care of them? Honestly, my amazing husband would probably figure something out and make it work so that he could be both mom and dad. However, I'm going down kicking and screaming before I let that happen. Which means, I'm taking time for me. Maybe that means I go back to bed after my youngest goes to preschool, or I get a pedicure, or I take a bubble bath, or read a book. Maybe that means I turn on a movie for my kids so that I can do this for me. If not, what kind of a mom am I if I'm completely burnt out?
I think one of the hardest things we have to learn in life is balance. Too much of one thing is never a good thing. Too much of too many things is also never a good thing. We just have to learn how decide what's important and balance our time accordingly.
Weekly Meal Plan 3-9-25
2 days ago
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