Thursday, November 17, 2011

Temple Blocks

Okay everybody, this is something I've wanted to do for awhile, but I just haven't until now.  I found this post a long time ago, and am just now completing them.  Especially since I had all of the supplies practically handed to me from Relief Society.  (Okay yes, I did pay for it, and did all the work, but they were so easy!)  I found these temple blocks here last year sometime when I was much more apt at looking and staying on top of my own blogs.  Anyway, I haven't even looked at this until I finished these temple blocks, and I have to say they were super easy, and fun to do.  A friend of mine came over and we worked on them together!  Look how cute they turned out.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Christmas Wreath

I know I've been MIA for awhile, but that's what having a baby does to a person.  I'm finally interested in doing crafts again just in time for Christmas.  Lucky me for me though, I didn't have to find one to begin.  I went to Relief Society and they were making these really cute Christmas Wreaths.  I really thought they were cute, and was even more impressed when mine was complete (4 days later, since I spent my time talking that evening).  It was super easy, especially since all the strips of fabric were already cut out.  All I did was tie them in knots around the wreath, and hot glue the bells and ornament on.  Easy peasy....

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Quiet Books

A few weeks ago for a Relief Society activity, our ward did some crafts, along with a visiting teaching conference.  One of the crafts was quiet books.  Since I'm always looking for ideas for quiet books, this inspired me to look for other quiet books.  So I went and jumped on Sugardoodle and looked to see what they had.  They actually had the two that we were doing, Book of Mormon, and We Believe.  I looked on the website, Simple Fresh Designs, and she has 3 more.  Two of them are on the Savior, found here, and one is on the prophet and apostles found here.  She has some really cute ideas, and I think I'll be making a few more quiet books.  Also, I think this is a great gift for family!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Boppy Cover

Since I was on my creative kick, I thought I'd make a new boppy cover for my boppy.  I have a couple of covers, but the one I love is for a girl.  Since we're not having a girl, that won't work.  I didn't like either one of the boy covers that I liked, so it was time to get to work again!  This time I didn't have a tutorial to follow, because the one that I did find, didn't make much of an impression on me.  So I took apart one of my old boppy covers (that was in pretty rough shape anyway), used it as a pattern, and then made my new cover.  I kept track of all of my steps, so that if needed/wanted I would be able to duplicate it, so maybe someday I'll post a tutorial on it, but for now, here's my finished project!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Nursing Cover

Okay, I've been crafty again.  This time I made a nursing cover.  I was given a couple of nursing covers when the twins were born, and so I could use those, but I really wanted to make one for myself.  I found tons of tutorials on how to make one, and I thought originally I would just glean what I wanted from each of them, but then I ended up following one from Make it and Love it.  I did change the length of the straps, and made them shorter, but it turned out so cute! 

Here's the front, well it is reversible, but I'll still probably use this as the front.

 Here's the back.

My visiting teachers thought it was really cute!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Car Seat Tent

When I first started blogging I looked at literally hundreds of baby products that looked so easy to make.  In my search, I found car seat tents.  So since our baby will be arriving in the next little while, I thought it would be great to have one.  I followed a tutorial from Pumpkin Patch Designs, and followed it pretty closely.  There were a couple of things I changed with the straps (i.e. put them closer together, and added the buttons).  I thought it turned out quite nicely. 

I really liked the diamond material better than the polka dots, but I figured since the baby will be a baby in the spring/summer, it would be much cooler than the darker side. 

Monday, February 28, 2011

Count Down to SPRING

It's been awhile since I posted anything on here, and now it's time.  I finally completed a new project!  I'm getting tired of the snow, and being stuck inside (due to the weather, and pregnancy just saps my energy!), so I put a little something together so that we can do one activity every day to help us with our spring fever. 

Now I just have to figure out where to hang it!